Take the Stress Out of Food for YOU! Your Freedom in Food Choices.
There are so many different foods & ways to eat it on this planet! And in reality we can eat whichever way we like – there are no “food guards” in your kitchen or when out and about!:)
You can choose food from the many different varieties around you: from the different markets, gardens, shops and restaurants! And you are free to consume whichever ones you want any time you really wanted to, even when you decide to eat differently or even detox for a while – you can go and eat something else any minute you really wanted to! Who is to stop you? :) Knowing that you can have that big mac or a big soda drink or sausages late at night if you really, really wanted to, gives a feeling of freedom when it comes to choosing to eat healthier! It is totally about Your freedom of Choice!
Some consistent positive choices do have a way of rewarding us, however! :).
And to make this less of a pressure for yourself, do give yourself a short time during which you will make those choices. And do remind yourself that any time, any time at all you can just go and have something else – no food guards in the kitchen, remember? :)
We can choose to consistently choose something for a set amount of time; say, for just 1 day, or may keep on making certain choices for 7 days, 14 days! And the next time we choose healthier options on a daily basis, we may go on choosing them for longer, like 21 or even 42 days? And then… see what happens and what amazing choices you may want to make from there on! :)
How about trying out the choices below? :)
Consciousness During Festivities – It is “You” You are Celebrating! :)
Dear Beautiful Radiant Readers!:)
I wish you Amazing Festivities – filled with Joy, Love and Laughter, surrounded by loving friends and family! :) I would also like to remind you that you are the Biggest Gift to you! Without You – there would be no gifts in your life, no happiness, no holidays, no people who love you – nothing! Therefore – why not re-Joyce at this fact and remind yourself to Love yourself for all the blessings you have right now this Season – in the midst of All the Hectic Present Wrapping, Fun, Smiles, Well-wishing and the Warmth that emanates from all who love you! And then you can send this Love and Gratitude for All right out to everyone around! :)) And ~ En-Joy! :)
With Love to YOU,
Manifesting Your Big Dreams into Reality: To Shout Them from the Rooftops or…Not? :)
What a sound and beautiful quote in the picture above! :) Keep your Big Plans to yourself or share them only with those, who are able to be and live as big as or, better yet, bigger than you are! Such people will not see your ability to GO BIG as a threat to the barriers they still have, but, instead will see your desire to move up as a natural evolution of consciousness in you!
The barriers to Being Big in people consciously or unconsciously create a desire to thwart your plans, so you may never demonstrate to these people that they can LIVE BIG too! Hence it is not that these are bad or ‘small-minded’ people, they simply still have not transcended certain limitations that will fight to remain where they are. These inner barriers is what gets threatened by actually witnessing somebody else overcome their limitations! So, the unconsciousness ‘throws dust’ into people’s eyes any time there is the tiniest possibility that you may show them that it is possible to forego limitations and to consciously live from your true core – your Soul’s Dreams!
A Simple Trick to Make Yourself Feel Better in a Few Seconds! (And to expand your consciousness too!:)
If you are feeling down, then remember that there is one or two simple steps you can take that will help you change this without a huge conscious effort:
(1) Keep your head high.
A simple act of not hanging your head low and having that stooped shoulder posture, where most of us unconsciously look down at the ground and ponder some heavy thoughts – can really help! Lifting your chin slightly and looking up naturally changes the way your brain and nervous system work. The pre-conditioned reaction when we are happy is to be inquisitive about the world, and in order to do that, we must have our head high, eyes open and ears listening in to the world here and now in this moment :).
(2) Gaze at the sky for just a few seconds.
Spending just 20-60 seconds looking at the sky and really “seeing it”, observing it, allowing yourself to expand into its huge, infinite vastness and leaving whatever has been troubling you behind, can change not just your mood but expand you energetically and consciously very fast. The vastness of the sky brings your awareness of things that are much grander, than anything that has been troubling you – the sky, with its divine intricately arranged colours, ever-changing clouds, infinitely radiant blues or dark powerful greys – all these amazing expansive things are happening right now, and whether we are feeling stressed about something or not – the skies keep on changing and moving, showing us they are way “above” and beyond all the small stuff. :) As we are gazing and expanding our awareness of the Universe – we realise we are a part of this infinity, we are here, we are Huge! We are bigger than the tiny speck of a problem that temporarily took over our always-expanding , sky-large, beautiful life!
An undisturbed natural environment such as the sky (even if it’s grey and cloudy) is fully harmonious and fluid like everything in nature, this coherence flows through us and easily balances many stuck energetic pathways to the way they naturally work. Make sure that you are doing this without a glass (open a window or go outside) between you and the sky as this allows for much more natural interaction between you and the Natural expansive energy of the sky. Looking up also gets your head from the “hanging low and sad” position, opens up your back, refreshes the mind, balances unwanted thoughts and restores your natural harmony. :) As most of us are consciously not aware of our oneness with nature and all that is, this is super-expansive and enriching on a daily basis and many ancient cultures greeted the sun and the sky at least once a day consciously to remind themselves of this greatness that our lives are. Try this anytime, especially if you are tired at work, spend long hours indoors or simply wish to uplift your mood! :)
3) As a powerful optional expansion on the above:
Breathe in and imagine yourself inhaling the sky into you while looking up, exhale and see yourself expanding high above and all around. Do this a few times, expanding your mind and dissolving any previously persistent thoughts. Dissolve, expand, breathe and be at peace. :)