

TV Appearance on TV3 Saturday AM Show
Sound Therapy




TV Appearance on TV3 in “How Healthy Are You?”
Food Intolerances – Fact or Fiction?




An Interview with Kamilla Harra for the Kildare Nationalist newspaper. (25 October, 2011).

“Coffey On The Go”. The Kildare Nationalist. (2011, 25 October). Brendan Coffey.

IN Denmark there is such a thing as a ‘fat tax’. Since 1 September, foods like butter, oil and pizza which contain more than 2.3 per cent saturated fat are subject to a surcharge which works out at €2.15 per kilogram of saturdated fat.

Now our Department of Health is considering a ‘sugar tax’ on sugar sweetened drinks. The objective is the same: to tackle obesity. Only it’s not as simple as ridding the world of soft drinks and take-aways. So much of the food we eat is bad for us simply because our bodies may not be able to digest it properly.

Think of it this way – how often do you feel bloated and tired after eating a meal? You might be eating some meat and two veg for dinner but that doesn’t mean you’re eating well.

Kinesiology is an alternative therapy which uses muscle testing to determine how the body reacts to the outside world or to test anything on the inside of the body. Kamilla Harra, a kinesiologist, is passionate about improving people’s well-being through better diet. Read Full Article.


English Talks Convention 2017 – The Power of Our Mind Presentation