€33.00 – €200.00
– Receive support around the Holidays and moving into 2025 – feel grounded, powerful, relaxed, inspired and deliberate in how you move into January. (Participate live or through recordings. + Private support group for 3 weeks.)
Your birthright includes huge reserves of power, support, nourishment and guidance (or information) from life on Earth and the entire Universe. This series of workshops is designed to allow you to let go of blocks, fear and limitations & feel rooted in your natural Power more fully. Around your family of origin and close relationships, with social groups, nature on this planet & cosmic patterns, and with your own deepest, most empowered sense of self.
Work with 3 levels of your origin: Human Ancestry, Soul (Higher Self), Universal (Earth) Consciousness.
– Rebalance feminine intuition with masculine actions by allowing yourself to ‘mature’ beyond the stories of your family, your soul and even the history of this planet and other parts of the Universe;
– Release family-inherited loss, confusion and trauma-based patterns that hold you back;
– Realign with your ‘True Harmony’ Ancestors, so you can lean into steady support, safety & power;
– Transform distrust, rage & annihilation energies as collective & personal inheritance, & open to truly feel free to be yourself and connected with all life;
– Re-own your harmonious masculine power to accomplish all you came here to do;
– Unlock deep codes of Unity with the Earth and Universe, stored deep within your body and energy systems, so you can draw on the support from the Earth, our Solar System and the Universal Intelligence in every part of yourself.
– Attune to the next levels of Truth your system needs to operate on – let go of fantasy (false security), energy leaks, time wasting and align with a natural flow of your body, mind, emotions, soul and actions in life.
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Detailed Information and Workshop Series Outline:
Dec 21, Dec 28, Jan 4
3 pm – 5 pm (London/Dublin) – with ‘Living’ Recordings if you cannot attend live!
– Workshops can be taken individually or together as a series. It is preferable to take them together as you advance in your power and growth each week.
– Recordings will be sent at the end of each Live Session.
– We will have a Private Member Group for 3 weeks, where you get to share your progress and ask Questions (I will answer these twice a week) – if you choose to, so you are witnessed and supported in your growth.
Part I – the Family system (21 December – Solstice, darkest day of the year – perfect for seeing the hidden limitations): coming into embodied Peace with the physical reality and our experiences of sensations and emotions from our childhood. Ending inferiority cycles. Coming to terms with what is by meeting the Dark and the Light of your life.
‘The rooting system’ that has the biggest impact on how healthy, well-adjusted, self-responsible, creative, courageous, self-aware, curious and connected with life we are is our familial one. It has the potential to make us or break us – our cells, brain and nervous system develop from the information that our parents keep in their tissues and genetic records.
Luckily, we can override and transform all blocks we carry from our ancestors – the many versions of loss, shame, rage and abuse we inherited, as no family tree is devoid of these themes. When we are able to face these, work with them and integrate them into a much bigger system than the one our predecessors acted within – our human lineage becomes the source of embodied Wisdom and a source of Power. We can then trust to receive the natural support we are meant to get from our human roots. Countless people who are ‘behind us’ – can be felt right behind us as a force of human Life coursing forth through us.
We can then feel ‘at home’ and in the rightful place not just in our family of origin, but also in our body, in our life and within ourselves. We can feel that we are a part of humanity, reducing the need to feel inferior because we had expereinces of not fitting in, or resenting our family or humanness in general and feeling superior and better than the ‘ignorant majority with low levels of consciousness’. The comparisons and anxiety lessen, we start to feel relaxation and peace in our human body, with our fellow humans and this allows more of our spirit to actually come in and be all it desires here to be!
Part II (28th December – ending the year and opening into a new start): Leaning into the unique value of lessons in your life. Getting resourced to face big challenges. Leaning into change with more ease. Dropping spiritual arrogance. Embodiment of true peace about your past, present and future. Emotional Maturity.
The more we open to the Truth of our origin, the more we tap into our potential – as it’s sitting deep within us from that very start, waiting to be felt, sensed in the body and activated as a natural part of who we are.
If you wonder why you are where you are in life right now in terms of your relationships, purpose, self expression, physical resources – then it is best seen from the perspective of your Higher Self (or Soul). Somestimes this is referred to as the Akashic records. From here, you can not only mentally understand why you are living this life and where you are heading, but also integrate this as a body-felt awareness of your Higher Intelligence, or a deeper awareness of self and life. Practically speaking, this helps you gain clarity, validation from within, self-appreciation, insights about yourself and your direction in life. Applied deeply, this information helps you make more decisive choices and take actions in life, as you become less afraid of people and life.
When we ‘purify’ this rooting system, we no longer feel confused or like a victim of life, instead, we shift into more curiosity, self-belief, trust and deliberate living.
Part III (4th January – anchoring into the new): dissolving apathy, frozen-ness, confusion and ‘spiritual ego’. True Equality with all of Life. A stronger connection with the Earth, leaning into planetary resources, elements, nature intelligence, quantum field. Peace around world events and cataclysms. An embodied sense of wonder, a renewed appreciation of life.
A a deeper level of our origin, we can tap into the vast unified oneness of Universal Consciousness that is behind absolutely everything. When we contemplate, tune into and experience ourselves as a part of this mystery – it expands our awareness and can bring us into a deeper zero point of neutrality. Which means we neutralise polarity, separation and fear, and are less frightened by personal or global events that are out of our control. This gives us a sense of peace, comfort, and this is the level of ‘God’ or ‘Great spirit’ that we can trust in, co-create with and even have a collaborative relationship with.
We tap into our body and energy system to purify this awareness, releasing core themes of:
– anger with the Universe/God/Creator for things that hurt us in the past;
– anger with the Earth for feeling discomfort as a part of our human life;
– a pattern of avoidance or ‘going into the clouds’ by reading, learning and talking about spirituality, but never truly living life practically, e.g. not taking risks, claiming our place here, showing who we are to the world, running projects, running our money or staying in satisfying long-term relationships;
– trauma of separation from Source, mother, father (often covered by spiritual ego to avoid meaningful human relationships and responsibility);
– a pattern of ‘spiritual pride’, e. g. ‘I’m so spiritual and wise that I know everything (or Spirit/my guides can tell me everything I need to know). No other human can understand, help or be the channel of grace for me, nor be my equal. I treat other adults as students, children or projects. I run away from people who do not need my help, or can be my equal, as they might see the parts I’m hiding. I’d rather engage with those whom I can teach, this gives me safety of not being seen and being hurt.’
– fear of conflict;
– fear of the dark;
As you integrate the Sense of Oneness through an embodied guided process, you open up to feeling the might and power of the whole Universe run through you to support your daily living. You feel ‘at home’ in this particular body, space and time right where you are. It allows you to naturally accept the beauty, value and richness of your earthly experience, your own unique self and all humans here. You feel a lot more capable to participate in life fully ‘giving your whole spirit to life and your life to spirit’.
We integrate the Greater Universal Oneness as an embodied experience that makes sense to you and at the end of the workshop, you naturally arrive at a practical Guidance for yourself – for January and/or the rest of 2025. As well as integrating all 3 levels of support into your daily life in a way that improves your life.
Additional information
Root and Thrive 3-Part Supportive Tranformation Journey into 2025 | 111, 133, 150, 180, 200, 90 (low income all 3 workshops), 60 (1 workshop only), 33 (low income 1 workshop) |