Failure Does Not Exist

Life is boring when nothing NEW happens…

When you are living to the full – you are always reaching for New goals and doing New things and therefore learning something new: and while learning we always make mistakes! 


Think of babies learning how to walk, they make lots of “wrong” foot and body movements, but they don’t call themselves ‘failure’ every time they fail to walk! Babies don’t give up each time they don’t get the result they aim for, in fact their every ‘wrong’ step teaches them more and more how to reach their goal.

therefore… when you fail, you are a winner, not a failure!

YES, it HURTS to be disapointed in not getting what we wished for that time, but it’s an opportunity to review, revise and re-create from a much Wiser Perspective! :)

So, if you are making mistakes – then you are learning something new and therefore are in the process of BECOMING BETTER at it! :) Once you master that goal/skill, it becomes familiar and less exciting with time, so to keep evolving and keep life interesting, your being will naturally direct you towards another New Goal. If you start going towards something New, be asured you will make blunders in order to fully explore what works and what doesn’t.

In conclusion: each time you fail to meet your expectation or results you aim for – remember that you are being brave, daring and are fully living your Life as is meant to by evolving humans: through trial and error, which allows us our wonderful Free Will and, therefore, Excitement, Learning and Creativity!

Compassion in Competition: there are no sides, only Love

Taking sides and finding differences might be easier – due to how our personal and societal history has been. But it tears us apart: first internally, then outside in the world.

Unity and finding similarities is at the Core of our being, it’s there when we are born and through all the transformations. It is always stronger, lasting and true.

WATCH this AMAZING Video below for an instant UPLIFT:


Consciousness During Festivities – It is “You” You are Celebrating! :)

Dear Beautiful Radiant Readers!:)

I wish you Amazing Festivities – filled with Joy, Love and Laughter, surrounded by loving friends and family! :) I would also like to remind you that you are the Biggest Gift to you! Without You – there would be no gifts in your life, no happiness, no holidays, no people who love you – nothing! Therefore – why not re-Joyce at this fact and remind yourself to Love yourself for all the blessings you have right now this Season – in the midst of All the Hectic Present Wrapping, Fun, Smiles, Well-wishing and the Warmth that emanates from all who love you! And then you can send this Love and Gratitude for All right out to everyone around! :)) And ~ En-Joy! :)

With Love to YOU,


Focus and Uplift Yourself for the Day! :)

change yourself

I Love this poster: so simple and yet empowering – just  a few phrases to get your mind to focus on what matters – I really felt like sharing it with YOU – wherever you are today! :)

Much Love! :)

Get Yourself Inspired for Action Towards Success – Today! :)


My Dear Radiant Friends,

I wish to share with you some words of inspiration and wisdom by Jackson Kiddard below! :) Let them inspire and ignite your inner fire to love yourself, and, therefore, let yourself be successful and abundant in every area of your life!

“This life has an infinite number of potentials for you; we live in a made to order Universe. Whatever you believe is possible for you and take consistent action upon is what becomes your reality. If you keep telling yourself that your dream isn’t possible, you will come to find that you are absolutely right.

But my friend, if you draw a line in the sand and tell the Universe that your dreams are a reality RIGHT NOW, and take action as if that were the case, you will come to find that you are absolutely right. The question is how long can you live in the fire of your dreams manifestation?

The price you have to pay to live your dream is facing your deepest darkest fear and the reward you receive from this courageous act is the realization that your fear was an illusion and that your dreams were always real.

So I ask you, my friend, are you willing to go there? Are you willing to sit in fire and sacrifice the comfort of your known world for the potential of something amazing, new and unknown? Don’t you want to find out what’s on the other side of your fear?

Living in fear is so last season, if you want to be happy and really live your dream you have to take a stand and just put yourself out there. You might fail, yes indeed – but, you might, you just might succeed too! Don’t you want to find out? Either way your life will never be the same… Can you handle it?” 

– Jackson Kiddard, author & polymath.