Allergy Testing
Two years ago I developed dermatitis. I had red, itchy, weepy patches on my shins and hands. I attended a consultant dermatologist who wanted to biopsy the areas to see which layer of skin was inflamed. However he said that this wouldn’t necessarily identify what was causing the inflammation.
I decided to go the holistic route and attend Kamilla instead. Using kinesiology Kamilla was able to tell me that wheat and many other grains were causing trouble to my digestive system and contributing to my skin condition. At the time I had a very slow digestive transit. Kamilla recommended foods which would be kinder to my system and supplements to benefit my digestion. My digestive system is now greatly improved and dermatitis is gone.
As with all physical problems there is often a deeper emotional cause. After alleviating the acute symptoms of my dermatitis and slow digestion, Kamilla then helped me to address and release many emotional issues which were also involved.
Kamilla is incredibly thorough, always taking the time to examine the underlying causes – be they physical, dietary or emotional. She is so caring and knowledgeable. I feel safe and supported in her healing hands always.
Back Pain and Emotional Problems
I have suffered with a weak lower back since my late teens. Once or twice a year, at least, I would experience spasm in my lower back and I’d run to the doctor for Difene tablets to relieve it.
While attending Kamilla for allergy testing, she was able to point out that my food intolerances were contributing to my back problems. She mentioned that many of my muscles were weak in general and that I’d benefit from yoga or Pilates.
On occasions when I have suffered back spasm Kamilla has been able to physically carry out gentle adjustments through kinesiology to give relief. Also through her energy healing she helped me release emotions which were causing blocks in this area. And thanks to her dietary advice and taking up Pilates my back is now much stronger.
It takes a life time to build up bad eating habits and suppressed emotions and worries. With Kamilla’s help it takes much less time to unravel it all and get back to a more balanced way of life. I’d recommend her to anyone having difficulties emotionally, physically or spiritually. Utilising all her knowledge in kinesiology, nutrition and energy healing, you couldn’t find a more holistic approach.
L. M. Artane, Dublin 5