Facing Shadow with Calm and Joy Emotional Release Process with Crystal Sound Healing

relax your mind and body & learn to release heavy emotions with ease and joy

Most of us supress, repress and ignore some of our feelings, which results in a lot of stress, pain and suffering emotionally and physically. Learn a practical way to trust your body to process challenging feelings for you.

This process will be aided by Crystal Singing Bowls – their vibrations have been shown to relax the body and nervous system, and slow down brain frequency into a calmer way of being (Alpha waves). Emerge feeling more Refreshed & Empowered.

THURSDAY DECEMBER 2nd at 7 pm – 8:15 pm GMT, €25
In Person: at the Lake Shore Healing Centre, Blessington, Eire

To Enroll: Please transfer payment or pay through the link, then fill the short form below and I will email you your confirmation. If booking on the day, please pay and text me on 0872861257.
to avoid extra fees: PayPal directly to kamilla.therapy@gmail.com as a friends and family/I know this person option
– by Revolut to +353872861257

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