Solstice Gathering – Sacred Soul Support Payment Page

You can also pay directly into my bank account or Revolut, or else PayPal to friends and family to my email address: €16.80 (without PayPal fee of €1). You can pay at the door, if you text or email me and you have to be very certain you are coming, as we do have limited spaces and I don’t want to put others off if you change your mind.

Join the Light Guidance – or The LIGHT Intelligence – in a 90-minute powerful channelled purification and upleveling of your energy and mind systems, followed by (optional) cup of herbal tea, laughter and fresh fruit – if you feel like staying on to feel the Solstice vibes! :))

The Crystal Singing Bowls will bring another healing and relaxing dimension to the experience of this powerful Solstice session. There will be an element of Sacred Ceremony of candles, flowers and healing words.

The Solstice Energies of the New Heart Intelligence have started to bring to the surface all the heaviness we can now permanently let go of. Accepting these new purifying and re-harmonising blueprints allows us to become more conscious, wiser and able for all the rapid and big changes happening in life right now.

Emerge with a sense of Sacred Safety – something that nobody can take away from you; a sense of a clearer reason of why you are here now, and your Divine Purpose; recognise yourself and live as the Light that you are – infinite, with colossal might and potential.