Raw Living Foods in Minutes: The TASTY PRACTICAL WAYS to Heal, Slim Down, Energise and Save Time

Delicious Simple Recipes & Daily Steps to help you feel Vibrant, Healthy & In Shape.

22 March 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.  hosted by Kathy at Prince Albert Apartments, Apt 4B, 41 Albert Street, Prince Albert Apartments, Auckland CBD

  • Make Lasting Changes in your Diet once and for all through Tried-&-Tested Simple Steps.
  • Remove your Cravings and desires for the “Wrong foods” with total enjoyment!
  • Learn Fast Recipes for the Whole Day: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Deletable Desserts.
  • Leave super-charged and motivated to carry on the very easy methods and recipes at home with total Ease! :)

Included in the Workshop: All the Delicious Food prepared on the Day goes straight into your tummy :), Informational RAW Booklet, The Recipes Booklet, Heaps of Tips and Practical ideas on how to increase the raw content in your diet, what to implement at different stages in the most effective way for you.

The Living Menu will include (and not limited to):

~ Raw Lemon Ice-cream~
~ Choco-Lime Swirly Mousse~
~  Raw Chocolates~
~ Raw Pasta Italiana ~
~ Raw  Soup ~
~ Raw ‘Lunch-or-dinner in 5 minutes’ Nutritious Dish  (2-3 dishes in one)~
~ A ‘Surprise’ Green Smoothie ~
~ Raw Cheese ~

$65 (Includes the Cost of the Food)
To enroll: text 022 1931879 or
 022 1239388 or contact through this link

Parking available at the Victoria Car Park at $2 per hour or $7 for the whole day (so you can hang in the city afterwords or beforehand to stroll in the viaducts or do some shopping). Alternatively, street parking is also $2 an hour on weekends. Train Station is a minute away, so taking a train or a bus in is an easy option!

The Course on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/755685864450154/

For more Information on Kamilla – see the poster below! :)

Kamilla's RAW course March 22nd 2014