Raw Delicious Easy Main Dishes

This is a course on delicious raw main dishes, such as Lasagna, Pasta Alfredo, Mushroom Burger, Soup and my miracle 5-minute Lunch-to-Dinner raw dish! See the poster below for more information!

This course is a part of the series of 4 main workshops presented by East-West Organics every Thursday evening from the 24th April until 15th May. You can take it separately or as part of the whole series. I am running this course together with a knowledgeable Nicki MacKinnon, see the poster for more info.:)

Where: East West Organics Cafe New Lynn

When: 8th May 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Cost: $60 (or $50 if you are doing all 4 Amazing Raw Courses)

To Enroll: Ring 09 826 5454 or email clinicreception@eastwestorganics.co.nz or at a counter in either of the East West Organic Shops.

East West Add April-May 2014