For all ages and genders:
So many of us have been brought up with the idea of frailty and decrepitude of the old age…
So, we fear growing older into the vague, uncertain and scary future, we fear growing past what’s perceived as “peak years”, and we might resist getting into those peak years also, as right after we peak, we must invariably decline and wither! With this “bleak end” on the horizon, we are then afraid of growing: growing older, growing wiser, growing in self-responsibility, self-reliability, growing in power, growing from within into the outer world…
If and when we do tap into who we are beyond societal definitions, beyond the physical aspects of outer strength, height, agility, size and invariable competitiveness that comes with all this… we find that as we are growing and changing in our body, our emotions and in our mental patterns – right in the centre of all these changes, somewhere bang in the middle of our being – we still are the same…
For me, I find I am the same me I was when my mom stroked my head as a child, the same me who realised she liked a boy in her class at 8, cuddled her pets, the same me working for some company, working our her emotional patterns, the same me working with clients and writing this article this very moment…
Remember when you were “younger” you’d think to yourself: ‘When I am such and such old, I will feel and be like THIS!’… Then when you finally get to “that” age – you discover you are still the same you under all this! You don’t suddenly “feel 25”, or 30, or 40, or 55 or 70, 80 and beyond! You are STILL THE SAME YOU! :)
That’s because this YOU is the Consciousness (or Spirit) who is evolving, remembering and expanding beyond the physical objects, actions, emotions & thoughts, and yet, the same YOU is growing and evolving through the physical world, so it needs a timeline and visible changes…
You are and always will be You: the ever-changing, yet ever-the same, immortal, transcendent, always-growing you, so there is nothing to fear, my dear friend – you’re growing safely in (and beyond) this physical world.
Below is Jane Fonda’s – a legend in her 80s – inspirational uptake on how “growing in spirit” happens – through our human years: