The Truth about Fats. What you and your family need to know: The Good, the Bad and the Amazing! :)

My dear Radiant friends,

Confused about all the saturated fats that are bad for cholesterol and some are now – apparently good? Omega oils that are essential and other omegas that are not? If so, then read on to discover the two simple things you need to know to stay healthy when it comes to fats.  Here are your first little facts:

False: All saturated fats contribute to High Cholesterol.

Truth: Naturally-saturated coconut oil actually reduces cholesterol (and has been found to help with weight loss).

Truth: Only animal-derived saturated fats and artificially created hydrogenated fats cause high cholesterol.

(1) First of all: fats and oils are pretty much the same thing and you will sometimes hear them called “fatty acids”.

(2) There are 2 main types of fats:

  1. Saturated, and these are hard, so you cut or scrape them at room temperature. Examples of saturated fats:
  • butter
  • lard
  • coconut oil
  • palm oil

       2.  Unsaturated, these are liquid at room temperature and are normally called oils. Examples of unsaturated fats

  • olive oil
  • sunflower oil
  • flax seed oil
  • corn/soy oil
  • rapeseed (canola) oil

(3)  Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 are all Unsaturated oils.

  1. All liquid oils are 60%-99% Omega 6. Therefore there is no shortage of omega 6 in our diets. Omega 6 is not manufactured in the body, so we need to eat it in order to get it. However, we have enough of Omega 6 in our diets, as we use “vegetable oils” and olive oil frequently in our cooking and/or salad dressings.
  2. Most liquid oils have some Omega 9. Omega 9 is non-essential, which means that we can make it from Omega 6 in our bodies.
  3. There is a true lack of OMEGA 3 in contemporary diets. Only a few plants and seeds have omega 3.
  4. All unsaturated, i.e. all liquid oils become toxic when heated, becasue they are not stable (like saturated fats), and therefore easily connect with oxygen molecule sin the air forming toxic free-radicals callsed trans-fats (tranfatty acids). This is why it is important not to cook on any liquid oils, and only use saturated oils for cooking!
  5. Use only naturally hard oils to cook on, like coconut, palm, lard. Never use Omega 3 oil to cook on as it is the fastest to become very toxic and should only be used cold.
  6. Spreads, or “No butter “butter” – i.e. margarine, olive oil or soya spreads are some of the most toxic things you could be eating. As these are manufactured from liquid, Omega 6 and 9 oils, they are artificially joined with hydrogen, instead of oxygen to form HARD SPREADS. When this hydrogenation process takes place toxic trans-fats are formed. Which have been conclusively proven to cause cancer, heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Use butter, coconut oil, or even a slice of ripe avocado, or pour some fresh flax oil, olive oil on your bread instead.

(4) Why are Omega3 oils important???

Omega 3 is found in every cell of our body and our brains use it too, this is why a lack of Omega 3 causes decline in concentration, memory and since it affects hormones, lack of O3 can cause uneven moods and unhappiness. Lack of O3 has been linked with inflammation and cancers. Linseed (also called Flax) deserves special mention, eat it in ground form only, as whole seeds can’t be chewed and we get no omega 3 this way. Linseeds are also rich in calcium, magnesium and other minerals essential for energy production and repair in the body. Milled seeds can be sprinkled on breakfast or else main dinner or soup – just don’t cook with them (it makes them rancid and destroys precious Omega oils)!

Omega 3 is the most important and the least used oil found in a typical Western diet. The following are the sources of Omega 3:

  • Flax seeds (also called linseeds) – (up to 60% Omega 3)
  • Chia seeds (found in health stores, from South America)(up to 60% Omega 3)
  • Hemp Seeds – (up to 18% Omega 3)
  • Oily fish – (up to 30% Omega 3)
  • Wallnuts – (less than 5% Omega 3)

Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated oil, and therefore is VERY unstable, this is why you should NEVER ever cook with it. Store it in the fridge and do not keep the bottle open without a lid on, as air will oxygenate it too (make it rancid).

So, which oils should you ALWAYS have in your home? Which oils to cook on?

  • Use Flax/Chia or Hemp oil on raw (like salads) and all cooked (on the plate) foods and this way you do not have to cook with oils, just use  a little water if you are frying, boiling or steaming your food and then once it’s on the plate – pour flax oil over it!
  • Use Coconut oil/Palm oil for cooking – as it safe to heat and coconut oil will actually reduce your cholesterol and boost immunity! If you do not like the smell of coconut in your food, buy organic palm oil (you can make sure that it was grown without harming rain forests) and/or better use refined coconut oil – which will not have the smell.

The best way to use Omega 3 oils, such as flax oil, chia oil or hemp oil:

  • Add to salads, as it’s amazingly tasty!
  • Pour over any meal, once it is cooked on your plate, such as vegetables, pasta, brown rice, potatoes, etc. Do not use over soup – too hot.
  • Mix with salsas, and other cold dips in place of olive oil.
  • Mix into smoothies and green smoothies.
  • Mill your own linseeds (flaxseeds) in a coffee-grinder and use on food – again do not book or bake with them, and always grid them fresh or, if you are bying them pre-ground, ensure that there is no bitter taste and store in the fridge at all times.
  • Use chia seeds on your food – no need to grind.
  • Do not use whole linseeds, as these will not give you any omega oil and will simply pass through your body giving you fiber.

One thought on “The Truth about Fats. What you and your family need to know: The Good, the Bad and the Amazing! :)

  1. David Sperandio

    Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils.

    These ingredients are “trans-fats” and it runs wild in fried foods and packaged goods. They are also closely linked to:
    Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, Alzheimer Disease, High Blood Pressure, and Stroke. And that’s just by taking in a small amount daily!
    Here are some extremely common foods:
    French Fries – 14.5 grams of trans fat in an average medium sized order. Try baked sweet potato fries instead.
    Margarine & Vegetable Shortening – 30 – 40% trans fat. Try organic butter instead.

    Fast Food – A KFC original fried order will give you 7 grams of trans fat, not just the fried foods! The desserts have trans fats in most all heavily processed foods. Few foods are more processed than fast foods.

    A solution would be to go with a fast food that is not full of transfats “Chipotle” – hormone free meats, low cal topping choices, fiber rich legumes for less than $7.!

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