Wrinkle-smoothing, skin-firming 100% Natural Alpha Hydroxy Acid Mask Video!

Beautiful Radiant Readers :),

I would like to share with you something simple and amazingly “beautifying” for the skin, which is very effective, completely natural  and easy to come by (no exotic ingredients from far away places)! :))

Many fruit and berries have naturally occurring Alpha Hydroxy Acids – which are anti-aging because they smooth out wrinkles and tone the skin. Commercially, AHA is used in creams to firm and plump up the skin and in higher concentrations in chemical peels for the skin. Many berries contain good to high amounts of AHA plus many other rejuvenating phytonutrients, antioxidants and essential omega acids! For instance, fruit often contains vitamin C and A (both of which are important for collagen formation), Vitamin C also adds instant radiance to the skin (hence many creams launched with added vitamin C in recent years).

What we are using here is RASPBERRIES! :)) These berries are SO effective at making the skin look fresher, firmer and younger that in as few as 30 seconds – 1 minute you already get an effect! The longer you keep it on, the stronger the effect, just do rememeber that after 7-10 (or 20) minutes, the AHA in raspebrries starts to act like a very gentle “peel” – i.e. your skin will have that “new skin glow” you get after a commercial peeling mask or scrub! If you have very sensitive skin, I do not recommend this mask for more than 3-4 minutes – it will be enough. Otherwise, if you notice that your skin is slightly red after the longer mask, remember that AHA starts to work like a peel over time, so the slight pinkiness (should you experience it at all) will go away within an hour. For this reason, I would advise to either get the 15-minute mask once a month or a fortnight OR you can use raspberries every second-third day as a wash, i.e. apply, keep on for 2 minutes – wash off! :)

So, click to watch how it’s done, and enjoy your glowing skin – 100% Naturally! :)))

If you are allergic to Raspbeberries, best not apply them to the skin.

Always moisturise after fruity masks.

Obviously EATING raspberries would do you more good, than only applying them to the skin, so why not purchase a punnet, eat most of it and apply a couple of berries to your face? :)

Another good way to have berries handy is to buy them in bulk during growing season and freeze them – you can do the mask above or a quick wash with raspberries from frozen. Just get one from the freezer and mush it around your face in the morning for a quick “pick-me-up”. :)

What do Raspberries contain?

  1. For 123g (approximately a small punnet): Vitain C – 53.7%, Manganese – 41%,Vitamin K – 11.9%, Magnesium – 6.7%, Folate – 6.4%, Omega 3 – 6.2%, Copper – 5.5%, Vitamin E – 5.3%, Potassium – 5.3%, plus many amazing free-radical busting, cancer-fighting, slimming, blood-sugar regulating nutraceuticals! Wow! :)

  2. The list of antioxidants found in raspberries:
    • anthocyanins
      • cyanidins
      • pelargonidins
      • delphinidins
      • malvidins
    • flavonols
      • quercetin
      • kaempferol
    • flavanols
      • catechins
      • epicatechins
    • flavonoid glycosides
      • tiliroside
    • tannins
      • ellagitannins
      • gallotannins
      • proanthocyanidins
    • hydroxybenzoic acids
      • ellagic acid
      • lambertianin
      • sanguiin
      • vanillic acid
      • gallic acid
      • chlorogenic acid
    • hydroxycinnamic acids
      • caffeic acid
      • coumaric acid
      • ferulic acid
    • stilbenoids
      • resveratrol
  • Anti-inflammatory: several antioxidants listed above show anti-inflammatory action.
  • Anti-cancer benefits of raspberries have been well researched. In animal studies involving breast, cervical, colon, esophageal, and prostate cancers, raspberry phytonutrients have been shown to play an important role in lowering oxidative stress, reducing inflammation, and thereby altering the development or reproduction of cancer cells. In the case of existing cancer cells, phytonutrients like ellagitannins in raspberries may be able to decrease cancer cell numbers by sending signals that encourage the cancer cells to being a cycle of programmed cell death (apoptosis). In the case of potentialcancerous cells, phytonutrients in raspberries may be able to trigger signals that encourage the non-cancerous cells to remain non-cancerous.
  • Grow your own (raspberries are very easy to grow): Recent research on organic raspberries has now shown organic raspberries to be significantly higher in total antioxidant capacity than non-organic raspberries. A series of tests involving free radical scavenging all provided the same results: organic raspberries outperformed their non-organic counterparts in terms of their antioxidant activity.
  • Eat them fully ripe (like all of the fruit and berries): You’ll get significantly more antioxidant support by purchasing raspberries that are fully ripe. Recent studies have measured the total phenolic content, total flavonoid content, and anthocyanin content of raspberries harvested at varying stages of ripeness (from 50% to 100% maturity) and greatest overall antioxidant benefits were associated with full ripeness of the berries.
  • They help with slimming – Raspberries contain phytonutrients called tiliroside and raspberry ketone, the latter increases metabolism in cells, and can decrease the absorption fats by suppressing the lipase (pancreatic enzyme) activity.
  • Help with Type 2 Diabetes – By activating adiponectin (deficient in type 2 diabetics), the tiliroside in raspberries can help improve insulin balance, blood sugar balance, and blood fat balance in obese persons with type 2 diabetes.

Other fruit and berries are great for and on the skin:  Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, apricots (fresh, not died), banana, avocado.

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